ICI Resource Library
This space is an ultimate resource library for the Intercultural resources available.The ICI portal has
Intercultural Tools, ICI Bookshelf, Intercultural Videos and Articles.
Click here to go through the portal of Intercultural resources.

Intercultural Tools
This space has all the tools available in market for quick access.There are around 48 Tools including KNowledgeworkx tools 12Dimensions and and Three colors of worldview.

ICI Book Shelf
This space is created for all those who are interested in books.We have a range of categories based on which the books are arranged.
Click here to go through the collection or even purchase them!

Intercultural Videos
This space has short clips demonstrating the intercultural situations with the description of ICI concepts that apply to them.
Chick here to go through a wide range of videos with ICI concepts in them!

We like to be thoughtful leaders in the Intercultural space and one way we do it is through Articles.
We have articles in different topics.